Happy Independence Week! Hope everyone is planning to take some time off (I'm a fan of taking time off), get some running in (I'm a fan of that too), and enjoy the season. Elmhurst is having their traditional "Four on the Fourth" race, which is always a good time and well organized. Or stop in for Lisle's Eyes to the Skies Festival. The 6am balloon launches are a family favorite (along with a bribe of donuts and hot chocolate). There's a few miles of trails that circle the balloon launch area if you're not a fan of sitting in a lawn chair for an extended period of time.
For those of you running the Naperville full/half marathon, this is your last week of gluttony and sloth before the 18 week training schedule begins.
Chicago Marathonors are at week 4 with 14 weeks to go!
7.6 miles this week and plenty of dead end streets, circle drives, courtyards and the all your favorite moves we've come to love about the Challenge.
Week 27: http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/237473789 or http://goo.gl/maps/id4rH (7.6 miles)
Four On the Fourth: http://4on4th.com/4on4th/index.html
Eyes to the Skies: http://eyestotheskies.org/
Run on.