6.0 miles this week leaving from McCollum Park. Use the parking lot on the north end, by the water tower. To avoid any confusion; the recommended path is the follow the "west-most" line on the map, turn on Valley View Dr and make the loop back to Main St before turning on Claremont. Continue to follow the line.
Remember, NEXT WEEKs route will be the Downers Grove 5 Miler route. Online registration is still open for this Sunday's race. If you don't register I will publish the map of the course to run on your own after the race.
Week 25: http://www.mapmyrun.com/
Upcoming Downers Grove races:
June 23rd, Downers Grove 5 Miler <-- an="" is="" nbsp="" official="" reminder="" span="" this="">Challenge route
Stay thirsty my friends.-->